Saturday, March 10, 2012


Now that my hubs and spokes are in my garage, I decided to take on lacing a wheel today.  I picked the front, since it looks less intimidating than the rear wheel.

It didn't start well.

I tried to follow the spoke pattern that I took a picture of.  That went poor.  Then, I tried to lace one side - inner and outer, before starting the other.  That went very bad.

Well - I say that.  I was able to figure out the pattern - every spoke is 4 holes apart.  That is - on the inner spokes - start one, count 4 holes, and that's where the next inner spoke goes.

So I decided to start over.  Took all of the outer spokes off, and left the inner ones on.  Laced the right side inner spokes.  So far, so good.  Laced the left side (going the opposite direction as the right side ones.  Better.  Laced the outers on the right side (it's easy to thread them with the wheel partially laced).  No problem.  And finally - the remaining spokes matched up to the empty holes.

And I ended up with this:

Which may not seem like 3 or 4 hours of work, but it is.

I'll try to true it, but not today.

Still - pretty happy with my first wheel.

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